Ramble Products

2024 Extra Ramble T-Shirts

Select the size and then add to cart. To order multiple shirts repeat the process for each size shirt. We will have a limited number of extra shirts for purchase during the Ramble, but don’t count it! If you want an extra shirt, now is the best time to buy it.

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Price: $20.00

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2024 Extra Meal Tickets

Each driver registration comes with meal tickets for Friday and Saturday nights. Order additional meal tickets for each night separately. For example, order two extra meal tickets for additional meals on Friday and Saturday nights. The price drops to $17.50 for each meal ticket in quantities of two more. For example, two meal tickets are $35.00.

Price: $20.00

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2024 Driver Registration

Registration includes 1 event shirt, 1 driver raffle ticket, and meal tickets for the Friday and Saturday night dinners.  We will have a swap meet and corn hole at the pavillion on Thursday evening, then live music on Friday night!

This fee is only for the Ramble registration. Upon arrival at the off road park, you will be responsible for checking in at the office and paying any fees for wheeling or camping. Once you’ve checked in at the office, head up to the Ramble Registration table to finish your check-in.

Product Options
Combination of product variants is not available

Price: $85.00

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